Ethiopia’s Growing Tech Economy


Ethiopia’s tech economy is making strides, thanks to increased government support for ICT development and the establishment of start-up incubators and hubs.

The ICT and Technology Innovation Hub, or Iceaddis, now has 1,000 members — aspiring young entrepreneurs, ICT-driven individuals, techies, youth and creative individuals. Ethiopia’s leading technology hub, Iceaddis is a collaborative work space where members benefit from business and life skills training, prototyping, and technology transfer; enhance their productivity; and establish viable and sustainable business plans for the future.

The government is building a $250 million technology park called Ethio ICT. To date, more than 12 local and international companies have booked space, including China’s ZTE and Techno Mobile and Security Innovation Network (SINET), both of whom will establish their own ICT incubation centers.

In education, teachers in 75 schools nationwide use video technology to record their lessons and evaluate and discuss them with other teachers. And in 10 schools without electricity, solar panels are being used to run the computers and charge the cameras teachers use to evaluate their lessons. Read more here.


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